Refurb in progress!!

It’s a busy morning here at the practice and as soon as clinic is over, myself and the wonderful Chris will be starting the almost-final phase of the Pearce & Bowler refurbishment!

As some of you may have noticed over the last few months, things have been changing here and there.. our red chairs have gone and been replaced with blue and silver chairs. Our reddish brown door and window frame is now white on the inside. Our finalised opening hours are now emblazoned upon the door – and that’s just the reception area!

In the testing room, we have updated our equipment and removed a very large ‘combi unit’ so now there is more floor space, making the practice much more wheelchair friendly. In fact, whilst we haven’t actually tested it, I’m sure we could even fit Clare’s double buggy (that she and her Husband use to transport their twin girls) easily into the testing room now.

Today, I will be trying to help (well trying not to get in the way of) Chris who will be taking all our frame display stands down, repainting all the walls and then fixing the frame racks directly to the walls. Hopefully, this will lead to a much more clean and clinical look in the practice. It sounds like a small job, but we’re expecting it to take all weekend – so wish us luck!

Actually, the weather looks so lovely this weekend that I wish I was going home for a barbecue! I hope the sun gets his hat on again next weekend for me!

Francesca : ) © 2025. All rights fully reserved.