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Teddy keeping me company!

So this delightful little chap is currently keeping me company at my desk. I think his companion might have brought him in and Teddy may have got so engrossed in the optician themed books we have at Children’s corner…

A big thank you

As most of you know, my brother Craig died unexpectedly on November 6th. He was only 31, so losing him has been an awful shock for my family that we will struggle to recover from. I have mostly been…

Sad news

We are devastated to share with you that sadly, Francesca’s brother died last week. This is why you may have noticed that Francesca has not been here. Francesca will hopefully be back in practice in a fortnight’s time as…

A VERY busy half term!

Well Clare and I are extremely tired after our busiest half term yet. We can’t believe that Clare managed to see 22 of you yesterday alone! We have decided to treat ourselves to a dinner tonight at the lovely…

Pharmacy students

If you were at the practice over the last two weeks you may well have noticed that we had some new faces with us. We’ve had four students from Cardiff University who are studying Pharmacy, and they have been…

New signage..

You may have noticed some new signage going up on the side walls of the St David Medical Centre complex. We’re really happy to finally have our name on the outside wall. Eagle eyed people may spot the mistake… © 2025. All rights fully reserved.